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Meditation - find peace within

Life feels a little more intense these days: at home, work, out in the world. When life begins to feel more intense than normal, it’s important to remember to slow down, turn toward these bigger feelings, and see the bigger picture. Striving for perfection is a hollow goal, one that can never be achieved.

Circumstances and the opinions of others can only define you if you allow them. Society shows us doctored images of perfection constantly in marketing, media, opinions and expectations. With all the news or negativity, we don't pay attention to how it affects healthy living and promote stress. Research has shown that meditation can help calm and relax the mind, giving clarity and power to negative situations in your life. Don't give away your power to stress and unhappiness. We are all beautiful human beings here in this world trying to find our way. We can learn to discover our gifts and release them fully into the world thru meditation. Every day we should seek to better understand the meaning of our lives.

The power of learning how to live a mindful life is to embrace this truth as much as you possibly and to live for the moment with some future planning that you hold loosely. The more we can meet any difficulty with presence, compassion, and kindness, the easier we can move through it. Meditation trains you to be resilient. The more you can learn to stay with all the highs and lows of your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, the more strength you can bring to each moment and experience. A lot of us avoid meditation because it doesn’t seem accessible. Meditation doesn’t need to be an exotic retreat—although some of our neighbors are quite literally retreating to exotic places this time of year to partake in various mindfulness and yoga programs.

Any time I feel fear, anger, or confusion starting to arise, I'm encouraged to find peace within, by breathing through my feelings. As I try to stay present. I say:“I am here.”“I am now.”“All I need is within me.”“All I need comes to me.” Meditation can help remove the day's stress, increasing a blissful relaxation to create inner peace. Start with 5 minutes a day - just listening to the sound of your breath, the transformation of your daily life can become easier each day. Surrender and bring inner peace and joy, lest we forget that our outer lives are a reflection of our inner state of being. Now is the moment. The past is just a memory. The future is a mental projection. Find peace within start with making a habit to thrive in this life with meditation.

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